



贝恩公司资深全球合伙人布鲁诺 (Bruno Lannes) 先生应邀担任上午首场主旨演讲嘉宾,聚焦中国市场的整体情绪与中国消费者趋势。布鲁诺的演讲全面解析了中国消费者的现状,深入探讨了消费者行为、偏好及消费模式的变化与背后的本质驱动因素。

紧接着进行了上午的第一场论坛,聚焦中国消费前景,论坛嘉宾包括贝恩公司资深全球合伙人布鲁诺, 经济学人企业高管组织上海总监谢维思、CICC 中金公司研究部可选消费品行业研究员吕沛航、以及L Catterton全球机遇副总裁常帅。论坛由粟源实业有限公司总裁李昕主持,论坛嘉宾们讨论了关键经济指标和投资趋势,并提供了应对中国动态市场的战略建议。嘉宾们从全球和本地的角度探讨了不断演变的消费格局,强调了中国市场的潜在投资机会和把握企业长期增长的重要性。

随后,第二场论坛深入探讨了耐用消费品和奢侈品的创新,论坛嘉宾包括泰格豪雅大中华区总裁Yassin Tag、博西家用电器集团大中华区总裁宋凛冰、日产汽车企业副总裁关口勋、以及传立中国首席执行官Benjamin Condit。论坛由Emmanuel Hemmerlé管理合伙人Emmanuel Hemmerlé主持。论坛嘉宾讨论了在房地产市场放缓对大件家庭消费品消费的影响下,企业保持创新性和树立品牌影响力的重要性。嘉宾们探讨了汽车、家电、消费电子和奢侈品行业的企业该如何应对这些挑战,重点关注了中国消费者不同代际间的消费特点,以及阐述了在多变的市场环境中如何优化客户体验和培养客户忠诚度的策略。


最后一场论坛聚焦于零售行业的未来,审视了从本地零售连锁店的扩张策略到电商零售行业的轨迹。本场论坛由萃弈中国业务拓展总监吴昱霖主持,论坛嘉宾包括好特卖联合创始人张宁、开市客(中国)商品采购部副总经理Adam Matkin和第一太平戴维斯中国区市场研究部主管James Macdonald。论坛嘉宾关注于消费者个性化、全渠道策略和数字化转型如何重塑零售格局,以及公司在考虑中国各地区差异时应采取的关键策略。


AmCham Shanghai held its signature China Consumer Conference on October 10 at The Sukhothai Shanghai. Jointly organized by the Food, Agriculture, and Beverage Committee; Retail Committee; and Marketing and Media Committee, this conference brought together leading industry experts in both the Chinese and international market, economists and investors to explore the future of China’s consumer market across a range of sectors.

The conference kicked off with opening remarks from AmCham Shanghai President Eric Zheng, who also presented some key findings from the annual China Business Report, based on the results of AmCham Shanghai's 2024 survey on the business outlook in China.

Following the opening remarks, the first morning session featured a keynote on the general market sentiment in China and trends for Chinese consumers from Bruno Lannes, Senior Partner, Bain & Company. The keynote provided a comprehensive overview of what’s happening with Chinese consumers, exploring the changing nature of consumer behavior, preferences, and spending patterns in China. 

The first panel of the day focused the China consumer outlook featuring Weisi Xie, Director, Economist Intelligence Corporate Network, Shanghai, The Economist Group; Peihang Lyu, Discretionary Consumer Research Analyst, CICC; Bruno Lannes, Senior Partner, Bain & Company; and Charlotte Chang, Vice President Global Opportunities, L Catterton Capital. The panel, moderated by Li Xin, Founder/President, Sustenture, looked at key economic indicators and investment trends, while providing strategic advice on navigating the dynamic market in China. The panelists discussed the evolving consumer landscape from both global and local perspectives, highlighting potential investment opportunities and the importance of seizing long-term growth for success in the Chinese market. 

The second panel of the morning then took a deep dive into innovation in durable and luxury goods, with panelists Yassin Tag, Greater China President, Tag Heuer; Simon Song, China President, Bosch-Siemens Hausgerate (BSH); Isao Sekiguchi, Corporate Vice President, Nissan Motor Corporation; and Benjamin Condit, CEO, Mindshare China. Moderated by Emmanuel Hemmerlé, Managing Partner of Emmanuel Hemmerlé Ltd., the speakers delved into the importance of innovation and branding given the impact of the slowing property market on the consumption of big-ticket household items. This panel explored how businesses in the automotive, appliance, consumer electronics and luxury sectors are adapting to these challenges and innovating for the future, with a focus on Chinese consumer trends across different generations and strategies to enhance customer experience and foster loyalty amid shifting market dynamics.

The afternoon session started with a panel on trends in consumer packaged goods, featuring industry leaders Yi Zhuang, China GM, Jelley Brown; Martin Fang, GM, Feihe (Harbin) Dairy; Teh-han Chow, Greater China CEO, Fonterra Co-operative Group; and Sam Zhao, General Manager, Northern Region, CTR Kantar Worldpanel. The panel was moderated by Kelsey Qiang, VP & GM, Closures, Aptar China, and discussed the impact of marketing channels and consumer bonding strategies, demonstrating how changing demographics are reshaping the food and nutrition sector. Providing insights from leading Chinese companies and MNCs, the panelists noted the importance of innovation in product offerings, sustainability in production processes, and adapting to health-conscious consumer trends.

The final panel focused on the future of retail, examining the trajectory of the retail sector from the expansion strategies of local retail chains to e-commerce. The panel, moderated by Ashley Wu, Head of Business Development, The Trade Desk, featured speakers Ning Zhang, Co-founder, HotMaxx; Adam Matkin, VP of General Merchandise Manager, Costco; and James Macdonald, Head of Research China, Savills China. The speakers focused on how consumer personalization, omnichannel strategies, and digital transformation are reshaping the retail landscape, highlighting key strategies for companies to adopt while accounting for regional differences across China.

To wrap up the conference, Phil Guo, the visual strategist and Global Board member of IFVP, presented the digital visual summary he real-time captured for the previous panel discussions, utilizing to create original drawings, mind maps and key points, which showcased how creative skills and business savvy can be used to engage the audience.
